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Layer One Cabling's goal has been and always shall be relationships. Many companies may feel as though they are being pushed to the side or worse - pushed around when it comes to the basics of their network. Your phones wont ring if the don't work. Your internet may seem slow or your network appears to crash.

Layer One Cabling has been improving productivity through proper installations and even repairing poorly installed networks in Central Florida for years.

The business of installing structured cabling has given Layer One Cabling the opportunity to work with many companies throughout the greater Orlando area and beyond. If you believe your project or cabling need is unique you may be mistaken.
By putting customers first Layer One Cabling is continuously building relationships.
Our Company
Work Ethics
Lic: ET11000894

Fully Insured

Trained Technicians
Don't trust your cabling or office environment to unlicensed installers.

There are many companies not legally permitted to be installing cable. Lawsuits and possible insurance claims may result. Incomplete work or the ability to do so could be bad for your network or dangerous to your work place.

Network panel
Data center equipment racks